About CSA 中華老人服務協會簡介



本會的理事團隊以促進會員的福利和提高耆老們的生活情趣為原則。本會所設立的活動繁多、除了週一至週五的營養午餐和英文班以外還有書法、國畫、編織、舞蹈班、卡拉OK、太極班、iPad & iPhone 班、春風粵曲社和百齡合唱團。還有每三個月舉辦一次的會員慶生會、每兩個月寄出的會員通告與咨訊、和每月一次的一日旅遊。以上每一項活動都是由我們經驗豐富的理事和會員義務担任教學。歡迎有興趣加入義工行列的會員一同來為耆老們服務。

The Chinese Seniors Association of Houston is a non-profit organization that was founded in 1987. Since its beginning, the Association has grown to become one of the largest and most active senior organizations in the greater Houston area and has accumulated many outstanding results. There are two levels of membership in our organization, which are “Regular Member” and “Honor Member”. Persons age of sixty years and older are eligible to become a “Regular Member”. Those aged under sixty years are eligible to become a “Honor Member”.

The goals of the Association’s boards of directors are to enhance and enrich the senior’s life with educational and social activities. Some of the activities we provide are ESL classes and Senior Nutrition lunches from Monday to Friday. Other activities include Chinese calligraphy,brush painting, knitting, dance classes, karaoke OK, Tai-Chi, iPad & iPhone learning classes,Cantonese opera and choir. We also have a bimonthly newsletter, hold quarterly birthday celebration for our members, and offer monthly excursions. Our classes and activities are lead by our experienced volunteer members. We always welcome our members who are interested to participate in our volunteer group to enhance to the quality of life to our community’s senior citizens.

By Chinese Seniors Association

CSA Mission 宗旨

中華老人服務協會成立於1987年、為立法登記的非營利社團。以聯合僑居休士頓年長華人發揚互助精神、敦睦友誼、自助助人、自娛娛人、團結 合作、共謀促進高齡僑胞福利、及提高生活情趣與品質為宗旨。

The Chinese Seniors Association of Houston is a registered non-profit organization. The organization was founded in 1987 in Houston, Texas with the primary purpose of the promotion of the welfare of elderly citizens and providing them with continuous education, entertainment, sports, travel and other activities that would enrich their lives. The Association serve the seniors in the greater Houston area. We also support local charities and activities in the greater Houston area. 

By Chinese Seniors Association